Maksutov Cassegrain Telescopes
25 products
Showing 1 - 24 of 25 products
Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope for Astronomy Beginners
Have you been looking for the best Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope? Look no further than Telescopes Canada! We’ve got an incredible selection of top-quality telescopes, including the Maksutov telescope at prices any astronomy enthusiast can afford. Maksutov Cassegrains are great all-around telescopes that are suitable for both amateur and more experienced astronomers alike. In the world of astronomy, there are two types of telescopes - refractors and reflectors. Refractors use lenses to focus light and reflectors use mirrors. However, a Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope is one that uses both. This type of scope is also known as a hybrid telescope because it's made up of elements from both designs. Their design results in very little chromatic aberration and they provide very high magnification while still being relatively portable, making them a favourite among stargazers of all levels. Whether you're looking at a 127mm Maksutov-Cassegrain or a Maksutov Newtonian, we have it all.
How To Choose The Best Mark?
Every telescope has a different focal length and aperture, which are the two most important factors when deciding what telescope is best. That being said, you might want to know that a 127mm Maksutov-Cassegrain is better suited to deep sky observing while a 6-inch Maksutov-Cassegrain excels at planetary viewing.
One of the great features of the Mak is that it has a larger mirror than its Newtonian counterpart. This means more light passes through onto the eyepiece, giving you better images and brighter stars. A Mak also produces less diffraction spikes around bright objects like the moon or Saturn. The size of the mirrors in these telescopes also makes them more portable than many other types of telescopes. And last but not least, they can be equipped with extra accessories like a camera mount or Barlow lens.
Buy the Maksutov telescope from Telescopes Canada
Telescopes Canada is your one-stop shop for all things telescopes. We have a wide range of different Maksutov telescopes, including the Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope and Maksutov Newtonians. Telescopes are available in a variety of different configurations, with some even offering you the ability to customize your telescope. These telescopes feature high-quality optics and can be used both by amateur astronomers and professionals alike. You can find out more about the different types of telescopes that are offered on our website by reading our product descriptions. So whether you're looking for a small telescope or something larger, like a 10-inch Newtonian reflector, then we have got it all!