Refractor Telescopes
136 products
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A Beginner's Guide to Refractor Telescopes
Do you have an interest in astronomy, but you don't know where to start when it comes to buying your first telescope?
You may be overwhelmed by the options you find online and in local stores. You want to buy one that’s going to last you a long time, so you need to do some research before you make your final decision. One thing to consider is getting a refractor telescope instead of something else like a reflector telescope or an equatorial mount scope. Refractor telescopes are affordable and durable, making them ideal for amateur astronomers with limited budgets who want their first telescope to last through years of stargazing fun.
You've come to the right place! We at Telescopes Canada will help you learn all about refractor telescopes, what they are, and how to find the one that's right for you.
Refractor Telescopes and Their Benefits
Refractor telescopes are a type of telescope that uses a combination of lenses and mirrors to collect and focus light. Their design can be advantageous because they are lightweight and often cheaper than other types of telescopes. The 5-inch and 6-inch refractor telescopes are the most popular because their aperture will allow you to see deeper into space than smaller or larger models. With a five-inch refractor telescope, you’ll be able to see Jupiter’s cloud bands, the rings around Saturn, the phases of Venus, and craters on the Moon and Mars’ polar ice caps.
Besides this, there are many benefits to using a refractor telescope.
Easy to Store
Refractor telescopes are lightweight and don't need any extra storage space, which makes them perfect for taking on trips.
Prices for refractor telescopes start at around $250, so they are significantly less expensive than other types of telescopes.
Easier to Use
You won’t have any trouble finding a location with a view of your house to set up your refractor telescope. If you want the best views of space, use it outside and find an open area with no streetlights or buildings in sight. It will also help if you know what time objects rise or set.
Find Refractor Telescopes at cheap deals at Telescopes Canada
Refractor Telescopes are the most common type of telescope. They use a lens at the front of the scope to gather light and a large mirror at the back of the scope to reflect light, so they're great for viewing solar systems, star clusters, galaxies, and nebulae. They can be used with both terrestrial and celestial objects. The two most common sizes are 6-inch refractor telescopes and 5-inch refractor telescopes. And if you're looking to buy this amazing invention, there's no better place than to have them with Telescopes Canada. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to buy refractor telescopes.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are refractor telescopes used for?
While there are several types of telescopes, refractors are the most popular and well-known type of telescope due to their accessibility and affordability. They are used for many different purposes, such as viewing stars and planets in space or investigating scientific concepts.Does a refractor telescope invert the image?
No! A refractor is designed to provide an inverted view of what you're looking at so that objects appear right-side-up when viewed through the lens.
What is the main optical element in a refractor telescope?
The primary component of any telescope is its objective lens or mirror. These allow light to be collected and then relayed into the viewer’s eyepiece where they can be observed, magnified and observed again. In the case of a refractor telescope, this large 5-inch lens or 6-inch lens has lenses placed on either side which help focus light onto it. All three parts must be aligned precisely to produce clear images with no distortion for optimum quality.