Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 Mount

Sky-WatcherSKU: S30330
2 Year Manufacturer Warranty

Style: Standard with Hand Controller
Sale price$3,580 CAD
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The AZ-EQ6 is a the ultimate multi-role mount, blending the popularity of an EQ mount with the convenience of an AZ mount. With it's heavy duty, 44 pound payload capacity the AZ-EQ6 can handle a large variety of optical systems for both imaging and visual applications. In EQ mode the mount can be used for long exposure, deep sky imaging while in AZ mode it can be used for visual with one or even two telescope with the addition of the secondary mounting saddle (included with the mount). 


Belt Drives:

To provide the best performance the AZ-EQ6 features ultra quiet stepper motors and belt drives on both the RA and Dec. axis. Belt drive reduces the amount of gears used in the drive system which in turn reduces backlash. This allows the mount to track and guide with amazing precision. 


Freedom Find (tm)

For those looking for the ultimate visual, tracking mount the AZ-EQ6 features Sky-Watcher's Freedom Find encoder system. These encoders are separate from the mount's GoTo system and allow you to disengage the clutches and manually move the mount around the sky without lose of your initial alignment. 


Dual OTAs:

The AZ-EQ6 has the ability to mount two separate optical system on each side of the RA axis. By mounting the included secondary mounting saddle to the end of the counter weight bar the AZ-EQ6 can be used in dual mode. This is perfect for using two different telescopes such as a wide and narrow field configuration. Two optical tubes is also great for solar applications when using two different filters for safe observation of the sun. This mode also is excellent for use in outreach and educational fields. 


PC Direct Connect:

For improved and simplified connection the AZ-EQ6 features a built-in USB-B port on it's side panel. This allows for easy connection to a PC computer and control through our Sky-Watcher SynScan Pro application available for PC.  


42,000 Object Database

Using our proprietary SynScan hand controller, the AZ- EQ6 Pro provides a user-friendly interface with automatic slewing to over 42,000 objects in the night sky. For the astrophotographers looking to reduce Periodic Error, the SynScan hand controller has built-in PEC training that can be configured while in the field!


Flexible Polar Alignment

Sky-Watcher includes an illuminated polar finderscope to aid the polar alignment process. The finderscope features a circular grid reticle for the northern hemisphere, consistent with todays popular polar alignment apps. For astronomers in the southern hemisphere, the constellation Octans is built into the reticle as well. Even without a clear view of Polaris, the EQ Pro can be polar aligned using our SynScan hand controller. Simply choose one of the visible stars listed and use the latitude adjustment screws to center it in the eyepiece.



SKU S30330
General Mount Info
Mount Type AZ/EQ
GoTo Yes
Payload Capacity (lbs) 44
Mount Head Weight (lbs) 34
Tripod Weight (lbs) 16.5
Fully Assembled Weight (w/ weights) 72.5
Tripod Leg Diameter 2"
Mounting Saddle Type D/V
Power Type 12V (4 amp minimum)
Clutch Slip Clutch
Polar Scope Built In
Latitude Range (degrees) 10-70 (EQ mode) 90 (AZ mode)
Computer/Drive System Info
Object Database 42900+
Controller Hand Controller
WiFi Optional WiFi dongle
Polar Align Assist Yes
PC Direct Connect Port Yes
Auto Guide Yes
Permanent Periodic Correction Yes
Dual Encoders Yes
DSLR Interface Yes
Included Weights 11lbs (two)
Motor Type Stepper
Drive System Belt
Shipping Weights & Dimensions
Additional Resources
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