Meade Instruments SERIES 4000 MOON FILTER ND96 - 07531

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  • Reduces the bright light of the moon to help reveal subtle details without overwhelming your eye
  • Transmits 13% of the light coming through the glass (ND96)
  • Neutral Density means the light is dimmed without adding any unwanted color shifts
  • Works on all telescopes, but especially useful for larger apertures
  • Threaded for and compatible with all Meade Series 4000 and Series 5000 eyepieces

The Meade Series 4000 Moon Filter is a Neutral Density filter (ND96) that transmits 13% of the incoming light through the glass. This lunar filter transmits light uniformly across the entire visual spectrum, meaning there will not be any annoying color shifts like with some inexpensive moon filters. It serves as an excellent filter to reduce glare when observing the Moon with larger telescopes. This filter may also be employed in the splitting of close double stars where one of the binary pair significantly exceeds the other in brightness. Threaded for and compatible with all Meade Series 4000 and Series 5000 eyepieces, and works in any telescope that utilizes 1.25" eyepieces.

Limited Warranty against defects in materials or workmanship for two years from date of purchase. This warranty is provided by Meade for the benefit of the original retail purchaser only. For complete warranty details contact Meade at 800-626-3233.

Please note this product was not designed or intended by the manufacturer for use by a child 12 years of age or younger.

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T-max tuner
Two year
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